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Set in 2003, a terminally-ill man embarks on an escapist road trip to the Okanagan with his unsuspecting pregnant wife. Unbeknownst to them, his influence on strangers during this time shapes their daughter's life through the workings of karma.
written and directed by Inderveer Sodhi
produced by Inderveer Sodhi
co producer: Micah Kelpin
cast: Inderveer Sodhi, Zarina Sterling, Harman Aulakh, Dylan Leonard and Bianca Buchholtz
supporting cast: Ethan Wingrove, Logan McInnes, Xiaoqing Ye, Shane Savage, Hudson Williams,
Mae Belen and Satinder Kassoana
director of photography: Chris Sebastian joys
original score and music by Inderveer Sodhi
edited by Inderveer Sodhi
production manager: Maritama Carlson
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